Thursday, June 28, 2007

Internal Damage Tai Chi, DVD Review

I got this video through a professional arrangement with the producer. I watched the promo's on the listed website and was impressed. This video is supremely well produced, conceived and put together. Great camera, graphics, sound track, and production design. This is a winning team. Glenn Hairston knows his craft. Period. He has a law enforcement resume and martial arts resume that run off the page. He is an endless well of information about Tai Chi theory and application. This is an ADVANCED VIDEO. It does not teach the form, but breaks down sections of it and show you the application possibilities from that form. It uses many possible angles and does so with great visual impact.

This video is for practitioners of Tai Chi who want to understand the combative side of the art, and for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of the true mechanics of the "Grand Ultimate Fist".
It is entertaining enough for the non practitioner to enjoy as well.

I look forward to the next Tai Chi series from Glenn Hairston. A preview of which can be seen here.

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