Sunday, January 28, 2007

One Word,...PLATZ

He was legendary for his workout intensity.He reports that while weighing less then 230 pounds, he squatted eight reps with 635 pounds and 52 reps with 350 pounds.On numerous occasions, he squatted for 10 minutes straight for more than 100 reps with 225 pounds.

Here are some different quotes from Tom Platz on squatting.

"I really believe attitude monitors talent. You have to take what you want. There has to be a certain amount of killer instinct present. You can't take no-grow for an answer. This strategy can be applied in any venture."

"Some people like to live without too much risk. They're satisfied leading a safe existence. This attitude of caution infiltrates into their goals. Every successful athlete - or businessperson - enjoys taking calculated risks. You have to. Especially in the gym when you're squatting 500 for reps and you can't get one more but grunt out ten. Your nose starts bleeding, you fall into the rack…and that's set one."


Royce said...

And that is a mighty big word.
He was DA MAN.

Frick said...

I can remember back in the mid-80's all you would hear about was Platz's legs.

Mark Reifkind said...

best legs in bodybuilding ever. hardest trainer too.